Unveiling the Immunogenicity of Ovarian Tumors as the Crucial Catalyst for Therapeutic Success

2023-12-5 09:47

1. Overview of MHC Class I and Class II Molecules

Tumor immunogenicity is largely dependent on the expression of Major Histocompatibility Complexes class I and II [MHC I, II, also known as Human Leukocyte Antigen complexes I, II (HLA I, II)]. These complexes are essential proteins capable of presenting foreign antigens or self-peptides to T lymphocytes for immunosurveillance, and also for tissue homeostasis in autoimmune and infectious diseases [1]. MHC I molecules are present in almost all nucleated cells in the human body, and are differently expressed in terms of the level of transcription, transduction, and epigenetic regulation [2]. In humans, the HLA locus is found in the short arm of chromosome 6, comprising three different loci named class I, class II, and class III [3,4]. Inherited in a Mendelian fashion, the HLA gene is the most complex and polymorphic system that exists in the human genome, being associated with more than 100 different diseases, particularly autoimmune disorders [1,5]. HLA class I molecules are composed of highly polymorphic and ubiquitously expressed classical HLA-A, -B and -C allotypes, and non-classical and less polymorphic HLA-E, -F, -G, -H, -J, -K, and -L allotypes (Figure 1). Other non-classical MHC class I related molecules include: Cluster of differentiation 1 (CD1), zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG), neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), MHC class I chain-related (MIC), endothelial Protein C Receptor (EPCR) and MHC class I-related molecule 1 (MR1), which can also bind to and present small molecules such as lipids, glycolipids, metabolites and modified peptides [6]. As discussed later, non-classic HLAs have a restricted expression pattern. To this day, there are approximately 25,228 different HLA class I alleles and 10,592 HLA class II alleles that have been sequenced and named [7].

Figure 1. Classic and non-classic HLA I and their role in EOC tumorigenicity. HLA I molecules are formed from three α subunits (α1-3) and one B2M subunit (β2). Classic HLA I molecules include HLA-A, -B and –C while non-classic are known as HLA-E, -F, G. Classic HLA I molecules allow the presentation of endogenous peptides to CD8+ T cells, while non-classic HLA I molecules negatively regulate NK cell function. Some classic HLA Is (HLA-A*02) have been associated with poor EOC prognosis (red captions) when co-expressed with non- classic HLA-G and HLA-E [8]. HLA-E can interact with stimulatory or inhibitory receptors on NK cells and some T cells, while HLA-Gs have a broader immune-modulatory capability, having a negative effect on NKs, T cells and APCs. sHLA-G can also be found in extracellular vesicles and tumor derived exosomes. HLA-E and HLA-G expression levels have been associated with poor prognosis and late stage of disease. However, in some specific cases, HLA-E expression along T cell infiltration and HRD ovarian tumors have shown a good prognosis (green captions). HLA-F may have immune regulatory functions, but its binding partners are still unknown. See text for more details. HLA-A*02 refers to the allele group, TCR (T cell receptor), NK (natural killer cell), antigen presenting cell (APC), OC (ovarian cancer), HRD (homologous recombinant deficiency), TAP (transporter associated with antigen presentation), ILT2 [immunoglobulin (Ig)-like transcript 2], KIR3DS1 (killer cell Ig like receptor three Ig domains and short cytoplasmic tail 1), KIR3DL2 (KIR3D and long cytoplasmic tail 2), KIR2DS4 (KIR two Ig domains and short cytoplasmic tail 4), LILRB1 (Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor B1).

Classical and non-classical HLA I molecules form a heavy chain, presented in a glycosylated form on the cell surface, bound by non-covalent association to the invariant light chain β-2 microglobulin (β2M) which is coded in chromosome 15. The heavy chain makes three different domains (α1, -2, and -3) in the extracellular domain where α1 and α2 form a groove composed of hypervariable regions [9]. Peptides predominantly generated in the cytosol are transported to the endoplasmic reticulum through the transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP) where other proteins such as tapasin mediate the binding of peptides within a range of 8–15 mer [10,11,12] to form an immunogenic peptide-MHC I complex (pMHCI). This complex is presented on the cell surface where it is potentially recognized by T cell receptors (TCR) on CD8+ T lymphocytes (CTLs). Some HLA I allotypes, such as a subgroup of the HLA-B locus, HLA Bw4, and HLA-Cw (HLA-C1 and HLA-C2) can engage with natural killer (NK) cells to produce an inhibitory signal [13,14,15] while HLA-E and -G allotypes can interact directly with CD94/NKG2 receptors on NK cells, inhibiting or inducing their activation [16,17,18] (Figure 1).

Similarly, HLA II complexes possess two polymorphic chains composed of five isotypes designated as HLA-DM, -DO, -DP, -DQ, -DR, with a more restrained expression. Peptides varying from 13–25 mer [19] derived from an extracellular origin can bind the MHC II groove to form a pMHCII complex in antigen presenting cells (APCs) including B lymphocytes, dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages, monocytes, Langerhans cells, endothelial cells, thymic epithelial cells, activated T lymphocytes, and some epithelial cells found in the cervical and colorectal regions, which can be recognized by TCR on CD4+ T lymphocytes [20,21,22]. Classical HLA class I, and to a greater extent HLA class II, can be detected in a soluble form (sHLA) in plasma, urine, and various other bodily fluids in healthy individuals [23,24].

The class III HLA region comprises more than 50 genes encoding for proteins not only involved in immunity (activation of complement, inflammation, immunoglobulin superfamily members, and cell stress) but also in hormonal synthesis, and extracellular matrix organization [25,26,27], the discussion of which is beyond the scope of this review article.

2. Ovarian Cancer Immunogenicity

As in most solid tumors, EOC cells downregulate MHC I expression as an immune evasion mechanism. Indeed, expression of MHC I genes is impaired in up to 60% of ovarian tumors [2,28,29]. Several EOC subtypes including serous, clear cell, endometrioid and mucinous, are immunogenic tumors capable of recruiting T cells into the tumor microenvironment (TME), resulting in positive prognoses [30,31,32,33]. Indeed, the presence of T cells specific to neoantigens expressed by EOC cells is strongly associated with increased survival [34,35] and the mechanisms related to immune cell infiltration are dependent on the antigen processing and presentation machinery (APM) components and MHC-I and -II status [36,37]. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of HLA I allotype expression in a healthy cell is ultimately lost as tumors evolve to express fewer allotypes or completely lose HLA I expression [2,32,36].

The mechanisms by which MHC I expression is suppressed during tumor development has a major impact on the response to cancer immunotherapy [38]. Cancer cells lose or downregulate MHC I molecules because of the loss or decreased transcription of MHC I related genes or defects in APM components [39]. These defects can be classified as either “hard” or “soft”, depending on whether they are irreversible or reversible, respectively, by gene regulators or cytokines [39]. In healthy cells and cancer cells with soft defects, APM and MHC I genes can be induced by the IFN regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1), NF-κB, and the NOD-like receptor family caspase recruitment domain-containing 5 (NLRC5) in response to stimulatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IFN-γ [40,41,42].

EOC immunogenicity has been measured with humoral and cellular antitumor immune response markers detectable in peripheral blood, tumor sites, and ascites derived from EOC patients [43]. Goodell and colleagues were able to detect p53 antibodies in serum from 104 EOC patients, whose levels were positively correlated with overall survival [43]. Importantly, the presence of neoantigen-reactive T cells in patients with EOC can improve survival [34,35]. Brown et al. analyzed TCGA RNA-seq data from six EOC tumor sites in 515 patients, and identified mutational epitopes presented by the autologous HLA-A alleles that predicted tumor immunogenicity. These mutational epitopes triggered higher CTL content in the tumor niche and were associated with increased patient survival. However, tumors devoid of CTL infiltration lacked these mutational epitope signatures [34]. Wick and colleagues analyzed T cell reactivity towards 79 Tumor Associated Antigens (TAAs) originating from non-synonymous mutations identified by whole exome sequencing of autologous tumors, using T cells from the tumors of three EOC patients. A robust and specific CD8+ T-cell response to the mutated hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-like protein 1 (HSDL1)L25V was detected in one patient at different levels over the course of disease recurrence, highlighting the evolving expression of neoantigens and the limit of naturally occurring antitumoral immunity recognition over EOC progression [35].

In fact, ovarian tumors generally possess intermediate or low mutational burdens as a consequence of a very low incidence of naturally processed and presented neoantigens that could generate a significant antitumoral response [44]. Nonetheless, TAA presentation is the pivotal factor enabling CTL-tumor cell recognition and killing [45]. The following section will elucidate the current understanding of the expression of HLA class I allotypes and their intricate association with tumor burden and survival outcomes.

2.1. Classic HLA Class I

Downregulation of classic MHC I is a prevalent immune evasion mechanism used by tumor cells to escape antitumor T-cell-mediated immune responses [46]. Under physiological conditions, classic HLA class I molecules are expressed by virtually all cell types, allowing for NK or T cell recognition to achieve immunosurveillance. A tissue microarray of 339 EOC samples stained for MHC I and β2M established a positive correlation between HLA I expression and increased patient survival independent of age, stage, level of cytoreduction, and exposure to chemotherapy [47]. Although specific allotypes, such as the HLA-A*02 subtype, correlate with poor prognosis in advanced-stage serous EOC [8], the HLA-B allotype is a positive predictor of the immune response to cancer testis’ TAAs [48]. While MHC I gene expression in EOC cells can be downregulated as a consequence of somatic mutations, these mutations are not common in EOC. Shukla et al. analyzed 7930 samples across 20 different tumor types and found that ovarian carcinoma, glioblastoma, and breast cancer largely lacked somatic mutations in HLA genes, being present in only 0–0.6% of the tumor samples [49].

Despite the lack of HLA mutations, differences related to total HLA I and II expression in ovarian tumors occur. Using RNA-seq, immunohistochemistry, and flow cytometry analysis on 27 EOC samples, Schuster et al. revealed that most ovarian tumors display strong HLA I expression, and to some extent HLA II expression. However, only the EpCAM+ population was considered in the cancer cell subset which may not necessarily represent most EOC cells [50], and the degree of immune infiltration of the EOC samples was not included in the analysis, potentially resulting in an overestimated HLA expression in highly infiltrated tumors. In a more recent study, tissue sections from 30 untreated high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSC) were analyzed for MHC I staining and showed sub-clonal loss in 7/30 (23%), including areas of retained MHC class I expression immediately juxtaposed with areas of negative staining [51]. Neither of these studies classified the overall diversity of HLA class I allotypes being retained in the tumor tissue, which may turn out to be a notable weakness, as non-classic HLA class I expression may negatively impact patient survival as described in the following section.

2.2. Non-Classic HLA Class I

As cancer cells downregulate classic HLA I molecules to avoid CTL recognition, they can also circumvent detection and elimination by NK cells through alternative means. Non-classic HLA I molecules are less polymorphic and display distinct expression patterns in developing and adult tissues, exerting functions in both the innate and adaptive immune systems [52,53]. In many malignancies, non-classic HLA I allotypes are aberrantly expressed, perhaps as a consequence of the proximity of genes such as HLA-E, -F, and -G to the class I region on chromosome 6 [54]. Indeed, aberrant expression of non-classical HLA I molecules in tumors contributes to inhibition of NK cells, rendering tumor cells resistant to NK cell-mediated lysis [55]. The following sections summarize key studies underlining the potential effects of non-classic HLA molecules in EOC.

2.3. NLRC5, the Master Regulator of MHC Class I Expression

NLRC5 (also known as CITA) is a critical regulator of MHC I genes, as well as some related genes involved in MHC I-dependent APM via the formation of CITA enhanceosomes [41,93,94,95]. NLRC5 induces the expression of both classical and non-classical class I molecules, but also the main components of the APM pathway like β2M, immunoproteasome components (PSMB9, i.e., LMP2), and TAP1 [41]. The expression of MHC I and APM components strongly correlates with NLRC5 gene expression in multiple cancers such as lung, melanoma, thyroid, breast, prostate, uterine, and EOC. Defects in NLRC5 expression found in human tumors include genetic modifications such as copy number loss, somatic mutations, and promoter methylation, which strong downregulate MHC I expression [96,97]. An analysis of the NLRC5 gene in multiple cancer types revealed that EOC patients (n = 489) displayed the highest frequency of copy number loss at 72.2%. This loss was associated with the reduced expression of NLRC5 and MHC I and related genes, including HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, B2M, LMP2, and LMP7 [96].

In summary, classic HLA I expression is associated with better survival for EOC patients while non-classic HLA I is more pronounced in aggressive and more advanced EOCs. Many unknown aspects related to non-classic HLA I, such as ligands, polymorphisms, and post-translational regulation, still need to be explored. Understanding these factors will help us to better grasp their influence on the EOC TME and, in particular, how they influence the response to treatment.

3. Other Tumor Microenvironment Factors Influencing Ovarian Cancer Immunogenicity

The EOC TME is highly immunosuppressive, frequently containing a tumor promoting network of cytokines, such as IL-10 and TGF-β, and also pro-inflammatory factors such as TNF-α [98]. In the following sections, these factors will be discussed in the context of the epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) as increasing evidence suggests that these cytokines can influence HLA class I expression and overall tumor immunogenicity.

3.1. EMT Effects on HLA Expression in Cancer

Downregulation of HLA I expression has been linked to the EMT in melanoma, colorectal carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, breast carcinoma, and EOC [99,100]. The EMT is a process through which epithelial cells shed cell–cell junctions, detach from the basement membrane, and undergo transcriptional and morphological changes to acquire mesenchymal characteristics and gain stem cell-like features such as the capacity for self-renewal [101,102]. Enhanced capacity for migration and invasion enables the cells to extravasate into the bloodstream and form metastatic colonies in peripheral tissues [103,104]. In prostate cancer cells, overexpression of the EMT transcriptional regulator Snail, or treatment with EMT-inducing Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 (TGF β1), reduced the expression of HLA class I molecules [105]. Similar findings have been found in breast [106] and pulmonary cancers [107]. EpCAM+ EOC cells show high levels of the expression of MHC I classical haplotypes when compared to benign fallopian tube samples [108]. EpCAM is silenced in mesenchymal cancer cells [109]; this suggests that cancers that retain their epithelial features can also retain high levels of expression of the classical MHC I haplotypes.

In syngeneic tumors from mesenchymal cell lines established in the MMTV-PyMT mouse model of breast carcinoma, there was a remarkable decrease in MHC I expression alongside an increase in the checkpoint inhibitor PD-L1 compared to tumors arising from epithelial MMTV-PyMT cell lines expressing EpCAM and E-cadherin [106]. Evidence from this study and others points to the association of EMT with downregulation of MHC I components, whereby mesenchymal cells are able to avoid detection by immune cells by downregulating HLA and APM.

Strategies to bypass the negative effects of EMT on MHC I machinery have been proposed [110]. One possible strategy is to target EZH2, an epigenetic regulator whose activity is correlated with EMT in breast cancer and melanoma [111,112,113]. The combination of the EZH2 inhibitor GSK126 with anti-PD-1 in the anti-PD-1 resistant MOC1-esc1 mouse tumor model of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma reduced the growth of those tumors while also causing an increase in MHC I expression. This suggests that EZH2 expression synergizes with the immune checkpoint PD-L1 to reduce APM [114]. GSK126 treatment has also been found to upregulate classic MHC I allotypes in a human head and neck cancer cell line, suggesting similar effects to EZH2 in human cancers. Similarly, inhibition of the EMT in the highly metastatic 4T1 tumor model using an angiokinase inhibitor was found to upregulate MHC I expression and APM machinery [115]. It appears that the inverse relationship can also hold true, as the upregulation of the MHC I machinery protein B2M induced EMT in B2M-overexpressing clones of MCF7 (breast), H358 (lung), and SN12C (renal) cancer cells both in vivo and in vitro [116]. This suggests a complex relationship of bidirectional influences between MHC I, APM, and EMT in cancer cells, with EMT regulators such as EZH2 having a dampening impact on the machinery.

Despite the strong evidence for an association between EMT and the loss of MHC I/APM expression, this link is not universal. In a mesenchymal breast cancer cell line, a mesenchymal-to-epithelial reversion induced by upregulation of an EMT suppressor microRNA miR-200 [117] also suppressed PD-L1 expression and led to greater CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity. However, in a bioinformatic analysis of microRNAs affecting APM expression, high levels of the expression of miR-200a-5p suppressed TAP1 expression in melanoma [118]. Another analysis revealed that transgenic knock-in of miR-200c increased MHC I expression in murine mammary cancer cell line EO771 [119]. Thus, while the roles of these individual miR-200 molecules in suppressing EMT are well-established [120], they appear to have differing roles in the regulation of HLA and APM expression, which warrants further investigation.

Remarkably, a pan-cancer gene signature for epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity generated in our lab [121] includes genes for HLA-A, -C, and -E, TAP1, PSMB9, and B2M, suggesting that MHC I machinery is, at least in part, associated with the EMT in a variety of cancer cell lines and tumors from different origins. We leveraged this compiled single-cell dataset to compare HLA I gene expression against the average expression of a set of EMT genes, using either the cancer cell specific gene module [121] or the classical EMT hallmark module [122]. The results show a positive correlation for both classic and non-classic HLA I molecules (HLA-A-C/E-G) in eight different cancer types (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Average gene expression of MHC-I related HLA allotypes correlates with EMT in various cancer types. Expression of MHC-I related HLA allotypes (HLA A-G) scored in the cancer cell compartment of a variety of tumors (BC—Breast Cancer, CC—Colon Cancer, GC—Gastric Cancer, LC—Lung Cancer, NPC—Nasopharyngeal Cancer, OC—Ovarian Cancer, PDAC—Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, SCC—Squamous Cell Carcinoma). HLA expression was correlated with EMT scores of those cells based on either (A) a cancer-specific EMT module published by Cook and Vanderhyden [120] or (B) the Hallmark EMT module from MSigDb.

For EOC, this correlation holds true for most of the individual HLA I allotypes . It is possible that this altered association between EMT and HLA expression is due to the fact that these are data from human tumors rather than from cell lines in vitro or mouse models, which suggests that the TME may well influence this relationship. Taken together, these findings suggest that the presence of HLA I molecules in cancer cells is associated with the presence of mesenchymal cells, and the EMT may promote the expression of HLA I molecules in certain cancer disease.

3.2. EMT Inducers and HLA I Expression

4. Therapeutic Strategies to Overcome the Lack of Immune Recognition in Ovarian Cancer

Over the past 25 years, there has been a tremendous effort to improve the response of cancers to immunotherapies to achieve tumor elimination. As the activity of CTLs and NK cells allows for successful antitumoral immunity, several approaches have been proposed to overcome immune evasion mechanisms established by the EOC TME. The following sections summarize the immune platforms under development that will potentially achieve better therapeutic outcomes for EOC. Figure 4 summarizes the therapeutic interventions aiming to increase EOC immunogenicity.

Figure 4. Therapeutic interventions aiming to increase EOC immunogenicity. TAAs highly expressed by EOC cells such as HER2, MSLN, CA125, FRα, and TAG42/CD47 can be targeted with CAR-T cells. FRα can be targeted by direct binding with antibody-drug conjugates. HLA-E+ ovarian tumors can be treated with antibodies blocking the HLA-E/NKG2A axis and impeding NK cell anti-tumoral activity. Poorly immunogenic ovarian tumors can be treated with DNMTi or HDACi agents aiming to decrease DNA hypermethylation or histone deacetylation (indicated by the red “X”). These epigenetic modifiers promote an increase in MHC I gene expression, type I IFN release, and TAA presentation, increasing CTL binding and antitumoral activity. HLA-G+ ovarian tumors can be treated with CAR-NK cells aiming to restore NK cytolytic functions. Green (+) symbols denote activation effect while red (−) symbols denote inhibitory signaling. NK (Natural Killer cell), CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor), HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2), MSLN (Mesothelin), CA125 (Cancer Antigen 125), FRα (Alpha-Folate Receptor), TAG72 (Tumor-associated glycoprotein 72), NKG2A (NK group 2 member A receptor), CTLs (Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes), DNMTi (DNA methyltransferase inhibitor), HDACi (histone deacetylase inhibitor), IRF-1 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 1), ISRE (Interferon-Stimulated Response Element), NLRC5 (NLR family CARD domain containing 5).

4.1. Targeting TAAs and HLAs

4.2. Therapeutic Advances Targeting EMT in Cancer

Anti-EMT therapies possess the potential of reducing the invasion and spread of cancer cells, as well as being used in combination with other anti-tumor therapies to enhance patient response [192]. The quest to control the growth of the primary tumor and metastatic dissemination via attenuating EMT has received increasing attention recently [193,194]. Mesenchymal and partial-EMT cancer stem and stem-like cells have been characterized as resistant to drugs and other therapies mediated by increased drug efflux and the downregulation of apoptotic pathways [195]. Mesenchymal cells also upregulate HDACs as a means to stabilize EMT proteins [196,197]; blocking this activity with anti-EMT therapies might, therefore, sensitize mesenchymal cells to chemotherapy [198,199]. An inherent risk of using anti-EMT therapies is the potential to push cells towards the reverse mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition, which may encourage already circulating cancer cells to colonize their immediate surroundings. However, reversion to a more epithelial state could also restore MHC I re-expression resulting in a resurgence of anti-tumoral activity from immune cells. It is also important to remain cognizant that classical EMT-TFs, the putative targets for anti-EMT therapy, induce EMT in a context- and disease-dependent manner, therefore these therapies might not be effective across all cancers [193]. Figure 5 summarizes the EMT effect on the EOC TME.

Figure 5. Potential relationship between antigen presentation and EMT in ovarian cancer. In ovarian cancer, epithelial cancer cells have decreased expression of classical HLA I related machinery, less interaction with immune cells, and less TAA presentation. Once stimulated with TGF-β1, EMT can begin increasing the expression of EMT-TFs such as SNAIL, SLUG, ZEB1, and TWIST1/2. At the same time, SMAD2/3 pathways are active, leading to the activation of APM and the re-expression of HLA-A, -B, and -C, and further leading to increased immunogenicity as the cells undergo EMT. If the EGF receptor (EGFR) is stimulated, the cells begin to undergo an EMT coinciding with activation of the RAS/MAPK, MEK/STAT, and HER2 pathways while seeing a reduction in APM and no changes to typical and atypical HLA I allotypes. EMT also beings if cancer cells are stimulated by TNF-α, including an increase in NF-κB that is upstream of APM and both typical and atypical HLA molecules. With increased immunogenicity in the mesenchymal phenotype as a result of more antigen presentation, immune cells like CD8+ T cells are able to effectuate their cytolytic functions on the cancer cells through PFN, GZMB, IFN-γ, and TNF-α. TAA (Tumor associated antigen), TGF-β1 (Transforming growth factor β1), EMT-TF (Epithelial-mesenchymal transition transcription factor), SNAIL (Zinc finger protein SNAI1), SLUG (Zinc finger protein SNAI2), ZEB1 (Zinc finger E-box binding homeobox1), TWIST1/2 (Twist-related protein 1/2), SMAD2/3 (Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2/3), APM (Antigen presenting machinery), HLA (Human leukocyte antigen), EGF (Epidermal growth factor), RAS/MAPK (Reticular activating system/Mitogen-activated protein kinase), MEK/STAT (Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/Signal transducer and activator of transcription), HER2 (Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2), EMT (Epithelial-mesenchymal transition), NF-κB (Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells), PFN (Perforin), GZMB (Granzyme B), IFN-γ (Interferon gamma).

5. Future Directions and Open Questions

This review focuses on the crucial role of MHC I molecules in ovarian tumor immunity. Despite the fact that MHC I molecules were discovered more than 60 years ago [212,213,214], and that MHC is among the most central fields in basic and clinical immunology [215], there are still many unknowns regarding the modulation of MHC I molecules, both classic and non-classic, in tumor immunity.

It is well established that the selective immune pressure on tumor cells allows for outgrowth of variants with low MHC I expression. However, it is still not clear if, under specific disease state(s), the EMT of the cancer cells could be directly linked to an increase in MHC I expression as shown in Figure 2. It remains unclear if these observations are based on gene expressions which do not necessarily represent protein expression, or whether these results reflect a relationship in human tumors that is not the same as in vitro or mouse model systems.

Since MHC I expression on the cell surface relies on the stability conferred by antigen binding, the more immunogenic the peptide, the longer the lifespan of the MHC I molecule on the cell surface [216,217]. Based on previous findings, we hypothesize that the mesenchymal state could render the cancer cells more immunogenic because the peptidome could be different from a more epithelial cancer cell, especially since more mesenchymal cells are associated with metastasis. However, the extent to which the proteome shapes the peptidome is still largely unknown during tumorigenesis. For instance, protein degradation was validated as an important factor in HLA I presentation [218], but the stability/instability of the proteome of more mesenchymal cancer cells has yet to be studied. Since EOC is known to generate neoantigens poorly, by becoming mesenchymal, cancer cells could perhaps produce more immunogenic peptides that could attract more CTLs to push immunoediting and CTL exhaustion further, as has been recently reported in breast cancer [119]. Therefore, immunopeptidome studies of EOC cells treated with EMT inducers such as TGFβ, compared with their more epithelial counterparts, may help elucidate how the TAAs generated under each context differ, and how they may interact with CTLs.

Numerous enigmas persist regarding the intricate interplay between TMB, its impact on HLA expression, and the subsequent modulation of antitumoral immune responses. The TMB also plays a key role in both stemness and immunogenicity; BRCA1/2 genetic loss in EOC results in differential immunogenicity, with high immune infiltration being associated with PTEN-loss and BRCA1 promoter-methylated tumors, and low immune infiltration with a significantly shortened overall survival [219]. Nevertheless, EOCs with BRCA1/2 mutation and PTEN loss had significantly higher HRD scores, but displayed significantly fewer CD3+, CD8+, and FOXP3+ T cells [219]. In their recent study, Fumet et al. [61] showed that the HLA-E/CD94-NKG2A/2C axis influences antitumoral immunity in HRD ovarian tumors, revealing opportunities to explore and further investigate the interacting immune network in these specific tumor genotypes.

Many open questions remain regarding MHC I expression and tumorigenicity. How is a more “aggressive” genotype potentially more immunogenic and recognizable by CTLs? Is this a transient state of their stemness reprogramming? A loss of heterozygosity in HLA I represents a genetic barrier to effective immunotherapy, which would require alternative ways to harness the immune system to maximize clinical benefit [220].

What is the amplitude of HLA diversity/heterogeneity that would correlate with efficient immune responses in EOC? F. Garrido previously commented on the different HLA I expression profiles found in tumor clones maintained ex vivo, contrasting them with the homogeneous tumor cell lines used in laboratories, which are often derived from a single clone and therefore lacking HLA “diversity” [2]. Therefore, more relevant models need to be employed to better elucidate the nature of tumor immunogenicity.

What level of HLA expression influences tumor promotion and EMT? Does the grade and type of EOC affect HLA immune regulation in the TME differently? Ovarian cancer is not a single disease but comprises various subtypes with different molecular characteristics. The impact of MHC I expression can vary among these subtypes. It is essential to consider the specific subtype and its genetic constitution when evaluating the role of MHC I expression.

Standard treatment centered on neo-adjuvant chemotherapy using carboplatin/paclitaxel in EOC patients showed that HLA I expression in tumors decreases after treatment, hampering T cell recruitment and activation in the TME [221]. Therefore, strategies aiming to upregulate MHC-I expression during or after neoadjuvant chemotherapy could provide better treatment outcomes in these patients [221]. Epigenetic modulators (such as azacytidine) aiming to increase MHC I could be a good approach to increase immunogenicity.

In summary, the relationship between MHC I expression and ovarian cancer is multifaceted and context dependent. Generally, high MHC I expression can be favorable as it may enhance the immune response against the tumor. However, other factors, including the tumor’s genetic constitution, the EMT status of the cancer cells, and the treatment approach, need to be considered when assessing its significance in individual cases. Additionally, the field of cancer immunotherapy is continually evolving, and ongoing research may reveal new insights into the role of MHC I expression in the response of ovarian cancer to treatment.


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