Japan beefs up moves in seeking G7 support for wastewater dumpAction to cause irreversible damage to environment, human health: experts

2023-2-24 16:05

A file photo shows containers of nuclear-contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan on October 16, 2020. Japan's nuclear regulator on July 22, 2022 approved the dumping of the water into the sea, despite international concerns and protests. Photo: VCG

A file photo shows containers of nuclear-contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan on October 16, 2020. Japan's nuclear regulator on July 22, 2022 approved the dumping of the water into the sea, despite international concerns and protests. Photo: VCG
Amid backlash from domestic and the international community, the Japanese government reportedly is to seek the endorsement of the Group of Seven (G7) nations for its controversial plan to discharge  radioactive contaminated wastewater from the crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture into the Pacific Ocean. Analysts criticized countries that are giving a go-ahead signal to Japan's irresponsible dumping plan, noting they will share the shame of making irreversible damage to maritime environment and human health.  As this year's chair, Japan is seeking to include a phrase that says the G7 members "welcome" its "transparent" approach toward the disposal of the treated water in a document to be released after the April 15 to 16 gathering in Sapporo, Japanese media Kyodo News reported citing government sources.

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