China regrets UNSC rejection to probe Nord Stream blasts, questions US’ blocking of resolution

2023-3-29 10:32

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Monday rejected a Russia-submitted draft resolution urging an independent international investigation into the Nord Stream blasts by a vote of three in favor (China, Russia, Brazil) to none against, with 12 abstentions including the US, over which China has expressed its regret and said it expects an early disclosure of the truth.

The resolution, if it had been adopted, would have requested the UN secretary-general to establish an international, independent investigation commission to conduct a comprehensive, transparent and impartial international investigation into all aspects of the act of sabotage on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in September 2022, including identification of its perpetrators, sponsors, organizers and accomplices.

After the UNSC rejection, Chinese observers suggested there could be an alternative to an international probe into the Nord Stream sabotage - Russia can propose a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly where only a majority of the members is needed to be present to vote on and adopt a resolution.

Mao Ning, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at a regular press briefing on Tuesday that China's position was fully expressed in its explanatory statement after the Security Council's vote, noting the Security Council should shoulder the responsibility of maintaining international peace and security.

The draft resolution proposed by Russia provided important options for finding the truth, but the Security Council was unable to reach an agreement, which China regrets, Mao said.

China noted that some members of the Security Council condemned the Nord Stream sabotage in their statements, and some pointed out that investigations should be expedited with transparent information disclosure. This fully demonstrates that the security of transnational infrastructure is of great concern and that a comprehensive, fair, transparent and independent international investigation is vital, Mao said.

However, according to the press release by the UN, the US deputy ambassador, Robert Wood, said there is no need for a UN probe when investigations by Sweden, Denmark and Germany "are proceeding in a comprehensive, transparent and impartial manner."

"In fact, international investigation will not be [in] conflict with the national ones currently underway," said Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, on Monday. He also said that the international investigation led by the UN can instead play a coordinating role among different countries' investigations, ensuring that the evidence chain is completely closed, and the investigation conclusions drawn are more authoritative and easier to be widely accepted.

As some countries including the US said that speculation and accusations should be avoided, Geng stressed that authorizing the UN to conduct an international investigation is the best way to respond to speculation and accusations.

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