China-Thailand ‘Falcon Strike-2023’ joint air force exercise contributes to reducing regional risks

2023-8-30 15:49

China Thailand Photo:VCGThe China-Thailand "Falcon Strike-2023" joint air force exercise will be held this month at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base based on an annual schedule and consensus reached by the two countries. China's security cooperation with ASEAN members, including Thailand, enhances collective defense capabilities and helps reduce regional risks and friction in the region, experts noted.

China will send fighter jets, bomber aircraft and airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft to participate in the exercise, the Chinese Defense Ministry said in a statement on Sunday. 

The statement also notes that the purpose of this joint exercise is to deepen practical exchanges and cooperation between the air forces of the two countries and continuously enrich the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides.

The military forces of China and Thailand have maintained a consistently positive relationship, engaging in regular joint training with the purpose of fostering military trust, according to Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator. 

However, China does not seek to establish a so-called military alliance with Thailand, nor does it intend to create its own military influence in any country, and China's  military cooperation with other countries is not targeted at any third party, Song noted. 

Enhancing military cooperation with countries including those in Southeast Asia is an important aspect of China's military diplomacy aiming to safeguard regional peace and stability, Song told the Global Times on Sunday.

The maintenance of peace and development in the international and regional arenas highlights the shared values of China-Thailand relations, Han Zhiqiang, Chinese Ambassador to Thailand, said during an interview with Thai media on Saturday on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, according to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand.

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